What should I pack in my hospital bag?

It’s one of those essential things to do, and one that causes loads of panic – “what if I forget something?” I’m here to tell you not to stress out about it. Generally we don’t spend a huge amount of time in the hospital (although admittedly I was there 3 full days!), but even if we are, our partners/friends/family can go and grab things we may have forgotten. The world won’t end if you’ve forgotten to pack 5 babygrows!
That said, it is good to be prepared as it’s probably the only thing we can really control when it comes to that impending arrival. So, I’d love to share with you the things I was recommended to take and things that I found really useful.
Things for mum:
Maternity Notes – you definitely don’t want to forget them!
Energy drinks and food – I was told to take them for energy getting through the labour, but I actually wasn’t at all hungry or thirsty. They came in very useful once I was up on the labour ward though, as I was ravenous by the time I got there!
Bottles of water - freeze them before going to the hospital and they’ll melt as you’re there.They're much nicer than luke warm water!
Phone and charger for those important new baby pics and for telling everyone on social media about your new arrival
Ipod/music for when you’re in the early stages waiting
Clothing – nursing bra, old t-shirt (for when in the throws of labour – it gets quite hot and you don't want to ruin your nice clothes!), loose PJ’s, slippers/flip flops (feet tend to swell), loose going home clothes (don’t be tempted to take your pre-pregnancy jeans!), dressing gown for walking about the ward (although ours was like a sauna so didn’t need it), large pants/disposable ones (to hold the maternity pads!)
A good wad of maternity pads. You may be lucky and not bleed too much but worth taking loads, just in case
Breast pads and nipple cream. Again depends on how long you’re in, but worth have there just in case
Towel for showering off the gunk and sweat afterwards
Washbag (deo, hair stuff, shower gel, face wipes, hairbrush, makeup, toothbrush/paste, hairband, lip balm, antibac sanitizer). Yes, I'm vain!
Ear plugs and eye mask. My ward was very noisy so these were well needed
Things for baby:
Newborn babygrow x 2
Newborn vests x 2
Mitts x 2
Newborn size 1 nappies x 12
Nappy sacks x handful
Cotton wool pleats and a small tupperwear container for water – midwives like you to clean their bottoms with water rather than wipes
Swaddling blanket might be needed if staying over night
Hat and jacket for going home
Bottles / milk cartons if not breastfeeding
And don’t forget the car seat if you don’t happen to live walking distance from the hospital!
Hope that helps! Put as much as you can aside at least a couple of weeks before your due date so that you’re not panicking at last minute.
Good luck with it all.
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